Professor lim pin biography

Pin Lim Edit Profile

academic administratorphysician

Pin Lim, Malaysian physician, advisor. Decorated Distinguished Service Order (Republic of Singapore), 2000; recipient Government Singapore Public Administration gold garter, 1984, Republic Singapore Meritorious Funny turn award, 1990, Friend Labour premium National Trade Union Congress, 1995, National University Singapore Outstanding Boasting award, 2003; Eisenhower fellow, 1982; Queen's scholar, 1957.


Lim, Pin was born on January 12, 1936 in Penang, Malaysia.


MBBChir, University Cambridge, 1963. Master hand of Arts, University Cambridge, 1964. Doctor of Medicine, University Metropolis, 1970.

Doctor of Science (honorary), Further education college Hull, 1999.


Registrar diabetic department, King's College Hospital, Author, 1965; medical officer, Ministry Benefit, Singapore, 1965-1966; lecturer to form a relationship professor medicine, National U.

Island, 1966-1977; professor, head department cure, National U. Singapore, 1978-1981; soaked vice-chancellor, National U. Singapore, 1979-1981; vice-chancellor, National U. Singapore, owing to 1981; fellow, Royal Infirmary, Capital, England, 1970. Chairman Applied Exploration Corporation, Singapore, National Biotechnology Chamber, National U. Singapore Technology Property Private Ltd.

Dy chairman Investment Development Board.

Member Council Professional ray Technology Education, Ministerial Committee Branch and Technology, NanyangTech. U. Council; board directors National U. Harbour, Overseas Union Bank, Lee Kuan Yew Exch. Fellowship, PharmBio Evolution Fund Private Ltd.

Board of Governors Institute Policy Studies, Singapore Guild Labour Studies, Singapore International Leg, Chinese Heritage Centre Council.

Table advisors Mendaki. Member National Principles and Technology Council.


  • Pin Lim has been listed despite the fact that a noteworthy Academic administrator, doctor of medicine by Marquis Who's Who.


Founder, president Endocrine and Metabolic The people Singapore.

Overseas advisor Royal Faculty Physicians London. Chairman board directorship Ang Mo Kio Hospital, Genealogical University Hospital Endowment Fund, chair National Longevity Insurance Committee, Singapore-Massachusetts Institute of Technology Alliance Proof & Technology, Singapore Millenium Begin Ltd., Special Needs Trust Party, Chairman, board trustees NUH Patientcare Charity Fund.

Deputy chairman, Lee Kwan Yew Water Prize Council.

Individual American College of Physicians, Sovereign College Physicians, Academy Medicine Island, Royal Australasian College Physicians, Queenly College Surgeons Edinburgh (honorary), Institution General Practitioners Singapore (honorary), Sovereign august Australian College Ob-Gyn. (honorary), Kinglike College Physicians and Surgeons City (honorary), Royal College Dentists (United States of America), Royal School Surgeons Edinburgh (honorary).

Member Singapore Scrutiny Association, Academy Medicine (past master), British Medical Association, Singapore White-collar Centre.


Married Shirley Loo-Lim, Mar, 21, 1964. Children: Jui, Jiun, Elaine Hsuen.

Shirley Loo-Lim
Jui Lim
Elaine Hsuen Lim
Jiun Lim